- Established in 2007 PDXinspections is the most progressive, qualified, and locally respected Portland mobile used car inspection specific company
- We are the only company who can guarantee you a complete, objective, and completely unbiased used car inspection of the vehicle you’re considering purchasing
- PDXinspections has the most in depth mobile modern pre purchase inspection service available anywhere. We’re the only used car inspection you’ll find that uses a complete array of diagnostic equipment and inspection tools to properly inspect the modern vehicle
- We are Portland’s highest rated used car inspection service known for industry leading customer service
- We have the highest certified used car inspector you’ll find – Our lead inspector has certified to the Advanced level L1 Master ASE Certified Technician status (this is the highest automotive certification which exists)
- We’re your only choice when it comes to completely unbiased 3rd party inspections. We specialize in used vehicle inspections. We do not repair, service, sell vehicles, nor do we recommend any other automotive shop or dealership
- We have the most technologically advanced inspection service from booking to inspection – We have the fastest and easiest booking process meaning the overall time from the time you book until receiving the report in your inbox is measured in only hours vs. days with other inspection options
About Josh – Owner of PDXinspections
I started modifying late model cars often before there was a large aftermarket for them: turbos, supercharging, heads/cams, nitrous, I’ve done it all. I enjoy driving, modifying and racing anything that moves. My hobbies include: building/tuning, driving modern day sports cars as well as motorcycles (dirt & street). I’ve been involved in practically every form of racing in one point or time and enjoy anything that has to do with cars, computers, electricity/technology, boating and of course working!
When I’m not out inspecting vehicles for PDXinspections I spend my time as a full time Firefighter Paramedic (Advanced Life Support – Emergency Medical Technician). Emergency medical care is a huge passion of mine and just as I’ve done in the automotive field, I’m certified/licensed to the highest level of medical care provider available in EMS. EMS and my role in the automotive world performing inspections actually share more in common than most would think. They both include building trust and rapport, providing excellent customer service, diagnosis, continued training/education, building reports to document findings, and most importantly thoroughness which includes not missing important pieces of the puzzle or making mistakes.

- I graduated from Portland Community College with a 3.9 overall GPA with an Associates of Applied Sciences Specializing in Late Model Automotive Service Technology
- I am a graduate of the General Motors sponsored Automotive Service Educational Program (GM ASEP) where I graduated top of my class with a 3.9 GPA
- I spent 3 years working for one of the largest, most respectable GM dealerships in the NW specializing in late model electronics, entertainment systems, networking, safety systems and drivability
- I am a long time ASE Master Certified Technician with L1 Advanced Performance Certification
- I’ve completed hundreds of hours of rigorous GM specific training and testing and obtained GM’s Master Technician status.
- I have the ability and experience to tune/program late model fuel injected vehicles & motorcycles via computers meaning I have a very good sense of what’s going on in the computers of the vehicles I inspect.
I take pride in PDXinspections and am always working on how to get an edge ensuring our clients get the best possible experience when using our service. We’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years continually updating our existing high tech tool arsenal to ensure we continue to have the best equipment available for our inspections. Our diagnostic tooling is continually updated and often much newer and more advanced than you’ll see in most shops. We consider PDXinspections to be a used vehicle inspection innovator as we have seen the industry change not only here in the Portland area but nationally as we’ve witnessed others take up our unique practices. We take pride in helping others purchase reliable vehicles and it’s always rewarding knowing that we are helping people avoid serious headaches and huge expenses after buying their vehicles.
I’m a new car guy surprising to most not an old or classic car guy… Modern computerized complex cars are my forte. I’m a unique new breed of technician who actually enjoys staying up on current technology and would much rather work with a complex electrical issue than a mechanical issue, in this day in age a very hard quality to find. Over the recent years I’ve become very passionate about EV’s, Tesla specifically and the technologies replacing the internal combustion engine.
I’ve earned ASE Master Certified Technician status meaning all 8 Certifications plus the L1 Advanced Engine Performance Certification
- A1 Engine Repair
- A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
- A3 Manual Drive Train and Axles
- A4 Suspension and Steering
- A5 Brakes
- A6 Electrical/Electronic Systems
- A7 Heating and Air Conditioning
- A8 Engine Performance
- L1 Automobile Advanced Engine Performance Specialist

General Motors sponsored Automotive Service Educational Program